University of Yaounde I online registration procedures 2024-2025
University of Yaounde I online registration procedures
B.P. 337 Yaoundé
Tél/ Fax 222 22 13 20
University of Yaounde I online registration procedures 2024-2025 Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences (FALSH), Faculty of Science (FS), Faculty of Education (FSE).
N° 171332/UYI/CAB/R of 31 July
The Rector of the University of Yaounde I hereby informs Baccalauréat, GCE A-Level and BA Degree holders wishing to register ( in the University of Yaounde l that preregistration procedures into the Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences (FALSH), the Faculty of Science (FS), and the Faculty of Education (Master I only) are as follows:
- Pay your preregistrafion fees (10000 CFAF) to United Bank of Africa (UBA) accounts through MTN Mobile Money, Express Union or UBA.
- Go to the website www.preinscriptions-uy1
- Click on the School of your choice.
- Click on “Preregistration”, and read carefully the guidelines on the website opened.
- Click on the School of your choice and read carefully the information contained on the webpage.
- Click on “Here”, then enter your personal information accordingly.
- Cross check and save by clicking on “Validation”.
- After validation, print out your information sheet bearing both your identification code and your day of appointment to drop the file. The file shall contain the following documents:
- After validation, print out your information sheet bearing both your identification code and your day of appointment to drop the file. The file shall contain the following documents:
- A Certified Copy of your Baccalauréat/GCE A-Level or Result Slip.
- A Certified Copy of your Baccalauréat Transcripts.
- A Certified Copy of your Probatoire/GCE O Level or Result Slip.
- A Certified Copy of your BA Degree or its equivalent for admission into the Faculty of Education.
- A Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate.
- Make sure you validate your file in the Computer Room allocated for that purpose and drop the file in the Faculty chosen.
Please Take Note:
- The University of Yaounde I shall accept only Baccalaureat Certificates issued by the Baccalaureat Board of Cameroon or equivalent certificates duly approved and GCEs issued by the Cameroon GCE Board or equivalent
GCEs. The “Brevets de Techniciens” shall not be accepted. - Admission Lists into the University of Yaounde I, subject to the authentication of certificates, shall be published as from 15 September 2023;
- Medical Check-up shall be organized by every School on the first month of the first semester without additional fees. Freshmen who shall not do their medical check-up shall be suspended.
- Classes shall resume on 14 September 2023 In the University of Yaounde I.
For more information check on
- University of Yaounde I online registrations Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences (FALSH), Faculty of Science (FS), Faculty of Education (FSE).
- Calendar for entrance examination Cameroon institutions of State Universities.
- Concours Faculty of Science University of Ngaoundere : FS first year Biomedical and Health Science
Greetings. can i enroll in faculty of anthropology with a degree in English Modern letters?
Please I’m facing difficulties with the preregistration. After completing the questionnaire they referred me to at minesup-omdes i am unable to obtain my result. After clicking on “see my result” it displays “problem connecting to server”. And my internet connection is okay. Due to this problem I’m unable to obtain the questionnaire code required on the form. Please can someone help me?
Je voudrais deposer ma candidature pour l’ecole doctorale.Je suis odontostomatologue,de la 43 e promotion à la faculté de Medecine et des sciences biomedicales de yaounde 1.
Thanks.I want to go in for FALSH
is registration still open please
Please, I want to obtain a degree in bilingual studies while studying online.
Please can I have the procedures and requirements to apply for masters 1 program of this institute?
Please can someone help me out with registration procedures
pls i graduated from the university of Buea in 2018 but my attestation is not available yet. Can i apply for a phd in biochemistry with my Transcript which is available
wish to find out how to retrieve my password for registration into Doctorate
If you need help with getting admission
Please contact me via whatsapp 657198007
When is the latest date of registration?
I want to deposit my file I don’t know the direction since its my first year into the university
Comment obtenir l’établissement de son diplôme de licence en Sciences Economiques obtenu en 1991: je voudrais savoir la procédure de délivrance du diplôme et auprès de quel service se rendre?