Vodafone Cameroon Careers: Job Opportunities


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29 Responses

  • Comments29
  1. Mbong Didier sum says:

    Wish to work with Vodafone Cameroon again

  2. Mbong Didier sum says:

    To the hiring manager Vodafone Cameroon 🇨🇲…I have worked with Vodafone Cameroon as a sales and marketing executive bfore traveling out of the country….it will be of great pleasure to get to work with your noble communication network company….. thanks….. looking forward for a great feedback from the hiring manager Vodafone.

  3. Agbor Dylan says:

    Good evening Vodafone
    I’m a 23 year old young boy in search for a job. I’m ready to give in my possible best while working with you.
    Thanks for your offer

  4. Ndumbe Sheila says:

    Good morning dear Vodafone team,
    I am 27 years old in search of a job in procurement and operations. Thanks for an opportunity.

  5. djoumessi franco says:

    bonjour a tous le staff je suis un jeune diplômé titulaire d’une licence de technologie en gestion et maintenance des installations energetiques. j’ai une bonne maitrise dans la maintenance informatique,du matériels électroménager et audio-visuels et en plusieurs autres domaines de la technologie tels que la programmation, installation des logiciels etc. j’aimerai travailler dans une structure comme maintenancier afin de dévoiler et imprimerie mon savoir faire car j’aime le travail en équipe et des structures de haute renomme. veillez recevoir l’expression de mes sentiments distingués

  6. Meyong Suzanne says:

    Cher Monsieur le Directeur de Vodafone Cameroun Bonjour, je suis une jeune Camerounaise agée de 24 ans parfaitement trilingue(Français,Anglais,Chinois) et étudiante en management niveau 2. Je viens auprès de votre compassion demander un emploi dans votre entreprise en tant qu’agent administratif. Dans l’attente de votre convocation pour fournir mon dossier physiquement (CV,Diplômes,Demande de délivrance du permis de conduire) et pour un éventuel entretien d’embauche veuillez aggréez Monsieur le Directeur mes sincères salutations.

    Meyong Suzanne.

  7. MBU MARTHELINE Tseussie says:

    My name is MBU MARTHELINE TSEUSSIE I have a bachelor’s degree in law I check on the Internet I saw Vodafone recruitment an I am interested

  8. Beyondi Gisele Itale says:

    My name is Betondi Gisele itale,I am a holder of a law degree,I have had interest to always work with a communication company in my life,i have heard a lot Vodafone’s company ,it products in terms of phones and their customers service. I had experiences of working with other companies like MTN agency in bamenda,SCS branch in bamenda, so I have gain alot of skills in terms of customers service relationship and satisfaction. Please how do I email my CV and cover letter to the Vodafone company in Douala. Thank you

  9. mewembe ngomdjun chavely claire says:

    ambitieuse, j’aime les poste me mettant en contact avec le public

  10. Emmanuella lum che says:

    My name is Emmanuella lum che a holder of higher national diploma in marketing at ecole superieure de gestion. Have heard alot about vodafone and am interested in working in it in order to help boost the company’s products and services. Have had experiences in marketing i.e customer service, E-business and as well b to c marketing. Please i intend dropping my Cv and cover letter but i found no email. Please how can i email vodaphone cameroun precisely Douala

  11. ngoe joseph eseokwea says:

    am Ngoe joseph eseokwea.i hld a Bachelors degree in political science and a diploma,as a customer service agent in civil aviation.i wish to apply as a commercial agent in your company.am quite expeienced.where do i deposit my applicaion? am in douala.

  12. ebong thierry enongene says:

    My name is Ebong Thierry Enongene. I am a holder of a Bachelors degree in law.And am interested in working with vodafone.Please how do I send my CV and other files?

  13. ebong thierry enongene says:

    My name is Ebong Thierry Enongene.I am a holder of a Bachelors degree in law.I am interested to work for vodafone.Please how do i send my CV?


    I am a cameroonian by nationality.I am interesting in working for this company vodafone.Please how can i get the address so as to send my CV.I really need this job.

  15. kongnyuy job says:

    please sir am kongnyuy job dimla a telecommunication technician i wish to know the procedure for applying for professional internship in your organisation

  16. Ngouegni Foppa Alexandra Audrey says:

    greating’s to Vodafone group please how can i get your address in order to forward my CV Telecommunication technicien

  17. titi alain ritch says:

    dear sir and responsible of vodafone
    i come from you to apply a job opportuinty in your company. i have not experience of marketing. but i want to learn and to study. i have bachelor’s degree of literature. i’m learning to speak english, actually. but i speak french very well.
    please sir, aaccording to me that job opportunity, because i need a job, and i want to work.
    please, accept my shorty greetings .

  18. JUL says:

    i have tried to seznd my CV on multi baese to no avail

  19. Fadimatou Issa says:

    Job of engineer télécommunications

  20. Atangbah Linda Ayiza says:

    How can one get your address in order to forward her cover letter

  21. ngongang nicanor says:

    Slt a vous tout le groupe Vodafone Cameroun. sil vous plait dite moi comment faire pour vous faire parvenir mon CV


    Hi i am an Advance level holder in general education, A Train Telecom Hardware Technician, specialise in installing & repairing 4G LTE and microwave equipment. Now working with (SAIERCOM) Z.T.E Coporation. I took part in the installation of AFRIMAX 4G.


    je suis intéressée de travailler avec vous. Comment faire pour déposer les dossiers ?

  24. k. nfor standley says:

    hi am writing to show my deepest and sincere interest to joint your humble esterblishment .I am an HND Holder and I have being working as a data operator and a van team supervisor under the umbrella of Guinness depot for the past two years

  25. dada says:

    I am interested in working with Vadaphone Cameroon. I have a degree in cst /Geography. I wish to know the requirements.

  26. Mbedy Dimene Loleatta Diana says:

    Im interested in working with Vodafone Cameroon. Please i need Application file

  27. Nkwain Sandrine Bi-Awoh says:

    Interested in working with vodafone Cameroon, I got a degree in geology(geotechnic) and doing masters presently. wish to know the requirements.

  28. kenne meli belasko says:

    Willing To Work with vodafone cameroun ,is it possible i Work with HND?

  29. NGALA says:

    Im Really Interested In Working With Vodafone Cameroon. Please What Are The Requirement For The Application File?

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