ENAM Anglophone concours Cameroon 2024: 30 student Court Registrars
ENAM Anglophone concours Cameroon 2024 NSAM.
Peace – Work – Fatherland.
ENAM Anglophone concours Cameroon 2024: 30 student Court Registrars NSAM.
OROER No 005122 /MINFOPRA OF 26 May 2023.
To announce a competitive examination for the special recruitment of 30 (thirty) student Court Registrars of English expression into the Magistracy and Court Registry Division of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (NSAM) for the 2024/2025 academic year.
Article 1: A competitive examination for the special recruitment of 30 (thirty) student Court Registrars of English expression into the Magistracy and Court Registry Division of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (NSAM), has been announced for the 2024/2025 academic year. The examination syllabus is appended to this order.
Article 2: The examinations shall be open to persons who meet the following requirements:
- Be a Cameroonian national.
- Be at least 17 (seventeen) and at most 32 (thirty-two) years of age as at 1st January 2024.
- Have a good mastery of the English language.
- Be holder of the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (G.C.E-A/L) in at least two subjects, not including Religious Knowledge, obtained in one session, Baccalauréat, or a Capacité en Droit issued by a Cameroonian University, or a foreign certificate recognised as equivalent by the competent authority established by the Minister of Justice.
- Be physically fit and of good health that will enable the candidate to effectively exercise the duties of the magistracy.
- Enjoy civic rights.
- Not having a conviction featuring on the Certificate of non-conviction which leads to disentitlement to hold the office of a magistrate.
ENAM Anglophone concours Cameroon 2024: 30 student Court Registrars NSAM.
Article 3: (1) Application forms may be obtained from the Regional Delegations of the Public Service and Administrative Reform or downloaded from the Ministry’s website (www.minfopra.gov.cm). kamerpower.com
(2) The application fees for the competitive examinations stand at FCFA 15,000 (fifteen thousand) payable at the Regional Delegations of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
(3) Candidates shall submit their applications, against a receipt, directly at the Regional Delegations of the Public Service and Administrative Reform .
(4) Applications must arrive at the Regional Delegations of the Public Service and Administrative Reform not later than 25 June 2023 which is the deadline.
(5) The list of documents to be submitted are:
- an application form duly filled and signed by the candidate.
- a receipt attesting payment of the application fee issued by the Regional Delegate of the Public Service and Administrative Reform.
- a certified true copy of the required certificate.
- an attestation of presentation of the original certificate signed by the Governor or the Senior Divisional Officer.
- an attestation of presentation of the original G.C.E. A’ level, “Baccalauréat” or any other certificate granting admission into higher education.
- a certificate of non-conviction of not more than three months old at the date of submission of application, issued by the competent legal authorities.
- a medical certificate of not more than three months old at the date of submission of application, issued by a public sector Medical Officer.
- a certified true copy of birth certificate of not more than three months old at the date of submission of application, signed by an administrative or municipal authority.
- an envelope bearing a CFA 500 francs stamp and the candidate’s address.
(6) No incomplete file or a file containing fake or falsified documents shall be accepted.
(7) The list of candidates authorised to sit for the examinations shall be drawn up and published at the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform website and pasted at the main building of the Ministry as well as at the Regional Delegations of the Public Service and Administrative Reform on 14 July 2023 at the latest. The publication of the lists shall serve as invitation to write the examinations.
ENAM Anglophone concours Cameroon 2024: 30 student Court Registrars NSAM.
Article 4: (1) The tests of the written part of the examinations to take place at the examination centre (Bamenda, Buea, Garoua, Yaounde) chosen by the candidate, shall be done according to the following schedule:
a) Saturday 17 July 2023.
General knowledge:
- time allowed : 4 hours, (from 7 :30 am to 11 :30 am).
- coeff. 4.
Judicial and administrative organisation of courts:
- time allowed: 4 hours ( from 1 :00 pm to 5:00 pm).
- coeff. 4.
b ) Sunday 18 July 2023.
Family Law/ Land Law /Civil Procedure:
- time allowed: 4 hours (from 7 :30 am to 11 :30 am).
- coeff. 4.
Criminal Law/ Criminal Procedure:
- time allowed: 4 hours ( from 1 :00 pm to 5:00 pm),
- coeff. 4.
(2) The examinations shall be written exclusively in the English language.
(3) The latest time to be allowed in the examination room shall be 7:00am for the morning papers and 12:30pm for the afternoon papers. kamerpower.com
Article 5: The oral part of the examination shall take place in Yaounde (National School of Administration and Magistracy). It shall consist of:
- an oral presentation of a practical case followed by an exchange with jury in English language, on any of the following: Judicial and administrative organisation of courts, Family Law, Public Freedoms, Human Rights, Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Civil Procedure, Law of Tort, Business Law, Company Law: coeff. 3.
- an interview with a jury in French language: coeff. 1.
Article 6: Receipts of submission for application for national identity cards of less than three months old at the date of closure of application for the competitive examinations shall not be accepted.
Article 7: Any form of fraud established before, during or after the competitive examination shall be sanctioned in accordance with the regulations in force.
Article 8: This order shall be registered, published according to the procedure of urgency and inserted in the OfficiaI Gazette in English and French.
Syllabus For The Special Recruitment Of 30 (Thirty) Student Court Registrars Of English Expression Into The Magistracy And Court Registry Division Of The
National School Of Administration And Magistracy (NSAM) For The 2024/2025 Academic Year .
- Political, economic and social history of the world.
- Basics of constitutional law and political ideology.
- Geography of the world with emphasis on Cameroon and Africa.
- Current events.
1. Judicial Organisation
Creation, organisation, competence of:
- Customary courts .
- Court of First Instance.
- High Court
- Military Court
- Court of Appeal
- Court of State Security .
- Supreme Court
- High Court of Justice.
- Special Criminal Court.
2. Administrative Organisation of Courts
- Organisation of the Registry.
- Organisation of State Counsel’s Office.
- The principle of criminal legality.
- Offence, prosecution and penalty.
1. General notions (kamerpower.com)
- Competence.
- Legal proceedings
- Debates, hearing.
- Evidence
- Contradiction.
2. Submission of a case to a court
- Submission of a case to the Court of First Instance.
- Submission of a case to the High Court.
- Competence of the Court of First Instance and the High Court.
- Competences of The Special Criminal Court.
3. Public Action
- Different ways of implementing public action.
- Conditions for implementing public action.
- Civil action in criminal Courts.
- Preliminary inquiry.
- Preliminary investigation of a case.
- Judicial police, custody
- Submission of a case to Court.
- Criminal evidence
- Criminal judgments
- Remedy at law.
- Enforcement of penalties.
- The basis and characteristics of the rule of law
- Sources of law
- written sources.
- Non.-textual sources of law, general principles of law, customs, jurisprudence /case laws.
- Distinction between natural persons and corporate entities.
- Identification of persons and their rights.
- Marriage (void and voidable marriage, validity of marriage, consortium);
- Divorce and judicial separation;
- Property rights (financial provisions, custody … );
- Child law.
- Filiation (Legitimate child, illegitimate child, adoption, conflicts).
- Meaning of civil procedure and its application in Anglophone Cameroon.
- Commencement of civil proceedings (motions, petitions, writs of summons).
- Simplified recovery procedure and the undefended list.
- Parties (nature, joinder procedure, misjoinder procedure, representation proceedings … );
- Joinder and consolidation of causes of action.
- Service of process and appearance.
- Pleadings (functions, content, facts that must be specifically pleaded … );
- Interim relief (interlocutory order, injunction … );
- Equitable relief.
- Interlocutory application.
- Settlement of issues.
- Stay of execution.
- Freedom of expression, information and communication.
- Freedom of association, of meeting and formation of political parties.
- Freedom of movement.
- Human Rights.
- The limitations of public freedoms;
- Institutions regulating public freedoms:
- The National Commission for Human Rights and Freedoms.
- Competent Courts of Common Law.
- A special court: the High Court of Justice.
An interview with a jury, with the aim to determine the candidate’s personality and his/her predisposition to serve the State and the citizens.
An interview with a jury in French.
- Calendar for entrance examination Cameroon institutions of State Universities.
- Concours ENAM Court Registrars: cycle B Cameroun Judicial Division recruitment 15 Court Registrars
- NSAM Cameroon Entrance: Pupil Magistrates & student Court Registrars.
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