How To Unblock Websites On School Chromebook 2025 | Access blocked websites


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108 Responses

  • Comments108
  1. Naia Ogden says:

    nevermind I found it but I need a way to get onto it. It is called IN?

  2. Naia Ogden says:

    I want to access websites that are unblocked like YouTube, Snapchat, X, Facebook,etc.. and I was want to play unblocked games.

  3. Naia Ogden says:

    Frank Ceijas can you plzzzzzzzz tell me 8 proxy’s you found that has Snapchat, Facebook, X, and a bunch of games that are not blocked?????

  4. Mitchell says:

    download microsoft teams and type 2[@] on the sign in go to sign in to diff microsoft account then go to sign in options then github scroll down to YT and then search google click on the channel and then links and then about google scroll down to privacy and then click the waffle thing then google.

  5. Max Taylor says:

    I need to access Crazy Games and Youtube. I don’t know a good unblocked proxy. My school uses Lightspeed Filter Agent. HELPP?!!

  6. Frank Ceijas says:

    i got 8 proxy none of them are banned and i can get on tt snapchat instagram facebook twitter anything really and all the games u want cod mobile cod fortnite roblox minecraft anything hit me up if u wanna know

  7. Makinaide Louis says:

    I really want to access Instagram pls help

  8. yasten says:

    pls help i want to wach youtube at scholl

  9. Jude says:

    I just need a proxy to be unblocked so that I can get a VPN. My school uses Linewize and it has everything blocked and some methods of unblocking are proving unhelpful. Thank you for your site

  10. Isaac says:

    i need gethub but sadly it’s blocked

  11. thoms says:

    plz help they blocked the stuff to do the things to unblock sites

  12. memia says:

    yeah how do ya unblok roblox

  13. Faith says:

    can you help me unblock instagram my school uses gopher to block

  14. jahmeia says:

    oh and plus sadly my school blocked roblox can you unblock it for me

  15. Jeff says:

    unblock rockret bot royal

  16. Nullmino says:

    My school blocked all Roblox sadly

  17. Destry Yeager says:

    i want to play krunker .io

  18. jonny says:

    can you unblock mincraft

  19. william says:

    i need to unbloked tiktok

  20. kaley says:

    can you make me a proxy for my chomebook plz i want to get on discord

  21. joeli says:

    can u make me a free proxy for me to search on

  22. Jackson says:

    I want to unblock games

  23. Riley says:

    You can’t unblock it with your account you have to get into you school administrator account then you can unblock the website from there.

  24. Michael says:

    I’m trying to get on YouTube but it’s blocked I really want to watch YouTube on my Chromebook

  25. fei says:

    how can i get roblox unblocked?

  26. kai says:

    anyway to get discord unblocked?

  27. Keyaan Samnani says:

    How do I unblock Roblox on my Chomebook?

  28. kamila says:

    how to unblocked instagram

  29. parker says:

    youtube is not blocked at kutztown

  30. chase irl says:

    i wanna use Pinterest, alos log out of your clever acc to use yt.

  31. Isabella says:

    how do you unblock pinterest on a school computer?

  32. Deen Hakimi says:

    I don’t Know how to unblock Youtube

  33. Loubug says:

    how do i unblock movie websites on chromebook.

  34. dd says:

    how to get roblox

  35. Kellie says:

    How do I go live on the school computer ummm?

  36. jamari says:

    how to get Instagram on a school chrome book while its blocked

  37. Bill Bush says:

    yoyo give me poki bacck

  38. Tala says:

    I wanna unblock Discord lol

  39. Connor says:

    No bracket on roll app ):<

    • zaniyah says:

      yes there is , you have to click the home bottom the it should say 370+ apps if im verfie no mistaken. then you type in brackets it going to ask you toa email but that easy then your all set

  40. emma says:


  41. Jacee says:

    nah fr i got my phone tooken an im trynna have all things dats blocked unblocked bc i needa text my frens fr fr

  42. Adiel says:

    MAybe this will work on your school computers but do this go to chrome://settings/sign0ut than press the accept thing then go to chrome://restart then it will work

  43. Robert says:

    My Website Are Blocked I dont know how to unblock

  44. Kaylee says:

    Questioncove . com was blocked for no reason

  45. khaleel says:

    i needed to find something called rollapp and it said, “scroll untill you see braket” but i can’t find that.

  46. Alaska says:

    I’m lowkey tryna unblock websites because I’m tryna research about my dad during school since I have nothing at home and because my dad was involved with a lot of gang violence, obviously it’s gonna be blocked.

    • Tylerrollins says:

      theynake it seem like getting a vpn on school computer is so easy oml like
      tdottj2x on IG

  47. nina says:

    how do i unblock meetyou. me on my school chrome book

  48. Charity says:

    They didn’t start blocking websites until I used s__x apps on the school chromebook and met up with someone. I instantly regretted it and ended up backing out but it was too late because police officers showed up to my house and confiscated it.

    • rose says:

      dude i feel so bad for u, its not even that big of a deal it shud prolly be u and an IT guy meeting together thats it and so embarrassing

    • Roach says:


  49. Abby says:

    Real reason on how to unblock snapchat and all those blocked apps.

  50. Dillan says:

    unblock geogebra please

  51. harleigh says:

    bruh unblocked youtube and snapchat on my chromebook

  52. kamiya says:

    how to bypass a school computer

  53. Nyx says:

    how do i unblock discord when the organization blocked all settings

  54. toshare27 says:

    i hate securly so much plz send heeeeeeelpppp

  55. Ethan says:

    Retrobowl. me
    Schoolislame. cf

  56. Josiah says:


  57. ppoo2242 says:

    does anyone know my school block twitter or whatsapp

  58. Karma says:

    Can someone help me unblock goodreads

  59. ray says:

    school cromebooks are so annyyoing

  60. Josh says:

    Unblock FNF

  61. mcsdgas says:

    unblock xbox app

  62. julian says:

    I know bro this is so annoying i can’t do anything because of my dumbass school

  63. hueida says:

    my school dosent block facebook,pinterest,twitter,tumblr, but it blocks games like cool math games and nation states. only games i can go on is abcya.

  64. HuHer says:

    my school dosent block facebook,pinterest,twitter,tumblr, but it blocks games like “cool math games” and “nation states”.

  65. hui says:

    my dreams are crushed becuz of “CustoM BLoCk lisT”

  66. Funes Danny says:

    please unblocked my computer is boring in school

  67. Random Helper says:

    Here is to unblock into Discord.
    1,Go to Settings click Privacy and Security.
    2. Click Securitys
    3.Scrool down and click Manage Certificates
    4. Click Authorities
    5. At this Point you need to find Wat your school uses to block things
    6.Then click on the right of it to see more of it
    7. Click the 3 dots on it, click edit
    8. Take of the Check mark that is there where it says “Trust this certificate” or something
    That is aobut it to get to discord, tiktok, and reddit
    Note: Some of your school apps might not work while doin so, so to go back and fix it you just have to go back and add the check mark back into the one you clicked on ( Sounds complicated but really is not after you get used to it) This is not gauranteed to work but usually works on Lenovo, Hp, and Samsung School COmputers)

  68. unknown says:

    unblock my stuff bro i cant stand havin’ free time and not bein’ able to play games bruh

  69. Brayden dutcher says:

    i just want to listen to my music on soundcloud but the school decided to unblock spotify and block soundcloud

  70. Tay says:

    how i unblock all apps

  71. gacha COOLER says:

    broo so true like schools block everything i really wanted to play some roblox bruh

    • fortnite says:

      bru in so mad i whant to play fortnite

    • Abby says:

      Why they gotta block almost errythang on da hromebook honestly I just wanna access discord.

    • Madisyn says:

      i used to use now .gg now i cant eve use it all thanks to my school they installed “GoGuardian” and i am trying to bypass it now, lord help me im also tryna play roblox on my computer. Kids will always find a way to play roblox, listen to music, and just find out how to do anyting in general XD, good luck everyone

  72. Space says:

    DUDE I can’t do NOTHING on my chromebook 1 moment you find a new app that’s unblocked the next moment it is blocked, time a found an unblocked that was unblocked and 5 minutes later it was blocked because the IT is such a hacker.

  73. jayden says:

    Yeah I Know coolmath games has been blocked since 2021 which was six grade for me im in 8th grade now.

    • AE says:

      omg i remember when they blocked it at my school everyone got outraged and they got scared so they unblocked it lol

  74. HUHUIGB says:

    Like fr how do they block everything so fast, like you get a actually working thing and then they block it like 5 days l8r. Like fr bro.

    • AE says:

      dont ever bookmark anything, its easier for them to find it than your history. and possibly spam your history with dumb stuff after using one of the sites. usuaally makes the site work for possibly months!

  75. student says:

    fr cant even no nun but watch big videos i cant even play gg. roblox bc the teacher found out gg. nothing

    • Kaz says:

      bro I used to use that website but its blocked here. vpn is also blocked. If you even type the name of a game it says blocked because its considered as a game or entertainment.

  76. Winter Rose says:

    My school lets use use phones

  77. nye says:

    my school blocked the word vpn on my chromebook, how tf am i gna play games now n watch netflix

  78. jason says:

    guys just use bcps digital content and scroll down and click YouTube

  79. jazz saout says:

    Bro for real people mad trying to get unblocked websites. Like why not get a regular macbook with your money XD. Little kids still complaning even if they get a free chrombook to use.

  80. yousef says:

    i hate they block everything i wanna play games

  81. ken says:

    bruh fr my techer blocked coolmath games like wth

    • Jesus Christ says:

      If yall can get money get a flash drive, And download a proxy and plug it in to a god damn chromebook yall -_-

      • AE says:

        my chromebook doesn’t let me install anything other than images and videos. also, if it recognises a weird file it alerts the school

  82. Lucas fray says:

    at this point i’m gonna protest on teachers blocking websites. the only thing they need to block is adult content like ph. what the hell is wrong with tiktok, instagram, and other websites like roblox that are just for fun. School system is so annoying

  83. kiki says:

    how am i supposed to read wattpad bro

  84. max says:

    i need roll app primeum

  85. Zaida ostrander says:

    My RollApp is blocked and i’m grounded I need to text people!!!!!! Lmao

  86. Olivia says:

    My collage board wont show up, what do I do.

  87. Adianna Barney says:

    I can’t get on netflix hulu showtime or games

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