Midwifery Nursing MLS FHS University of Bamenda 2024-2025 Entrance Faculty of Health Sciences MINESUP Concours


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15 Responses

  • Comments15
  1. Kelly Zefor says:

    Can I get pass questions for FHS entrance exams in nursing/midwifery

  2. chesi wanji says:

    Pls sir just to inquire on the date to write the nursing entrance examination

  3. Henrietta says:

    Please do I need certificate of non conviction to register for medicine concours

  4. Mekaye randy says:

    Mekaye randy

  5. Nyuyfoni Esther Fonye says:

    Please when are we writing the 2020 nursing/midwifery under FHS

  6. Metineghoh Blandin Tesih says:

    Please sir/madam
    Can your documents for nursing be submitted by a close person but not you in the campus ??

  7. Daisykate says:

    Please in need of past questions of FHS from 2015 till 2019

  8. Ashu Calven Nkongho says:

    Am a fresh graduate from Catholic university of Cameroon bamenda with a Bsc in food science and technology I wish to study nursing at University of bamenda so can I get admission into level 3 for 2020/2021 school year

  9. Ashu Calven Nkongho says:

    Greetings please am a fresh graduate from Catholic university of Cameroon Bamenda with a Bsc in food science and technology second class up 3.56

  10. Bella says:

    Please when are we writing the Nursing concours 2019???????The dates please

  11. Nkwenti fabian sah says:

    Please for past questions in MLS

  12. Zerubbabel Atanchu. says:

    Please i wish to have past questions for FHS (general medicine) Bamenda as from 2013 to 2018,please am really in need of them,thank you.

  13. Clementine says:

    Please how do I get past questions for nursing and midwifery from the time this department was brought into the university of bamenda till now?

  14. N chofong israel says:

    Pls how can I get the past questions. If possible send me ur contact so that I can call. Thanks

  15. Batchanou Mbakop Emmanulle Borelle says:

    I want Past questions for the MLS Bamenda concours please from 2000 to 2006 mostly been from FMBS.Thanks

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