NAHPI Entrance Bamenda 3rd year 2024-2025: ENSPB University of Bamenda. Pro M.Eng (Master of Engineering)


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11 Responses

  • Comments11
  1. Cheuffa towo anile says:

    Svp moi je ne parviens pas toujours à m’inscrire en ligne depuis le 23 août. Je ne reçois aucun message de confirmation des dossiers et ne parvient pas à recevoir également le bordereau. Aidez svp

  2. Shei Scarlet says:

    Please what is the deadline for registration

  3. Etongke Stephen says:

    please sir/Mme, I have BTech in civil engineering, I wish to do master in civil engineering, please can you help me with the requirements for application

  4. Aghamba Beckline says:

    What are the deciplines or specialities in the Masters program of civil engineering?

  5. dongmo audebaire says:

    Pls wath is the limitte age for engineering concours

  6. GUYSIH Clifford nanji says:

    Please send the 2020/2021 launched concours for entrance into ENS bambili to my Gmail

  7. Oben Bisong says:

    Helloo please i need the total cost

  8. Yong Killian Foin says:

    The training fee for M.Eng is too expensive considering that we don’t have robust machines in UBa and again this will only reduce number of students who can afford for this training. Cameroon needs enough people trained in this fields. I suggest the training fee be reduced to 300,000fCFA. thanks

  9. Luki Desmond says:

    Can one apply with a DIPET 1 diploma in mechanical engineering??

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