National Higher Polytechnic Institute University of Bamenda


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7 Responses

  • Comments7
  1. Forbijung Chrispus says:

    Please when shall the results for the entrance exam into year one 2019/2020 academic year be publish?

  2. Miamo says:

    If a candidate have ordinary level math but not English. What can he do to write the concour???

  3. Konghefiw ivo tata says:

    Hello i want to do mining and i have a certificate in ordinary science and advanced level geology and biology. I wish to know if it’s possible?

  4. Chikangwa ngokep Emmanuel says:

    Please for the dateline to submit application? Emmanuel

  5. Chikangwa ngokep Emmanuel says:

    Please for the dateline to submit application?

  6. Chieka Darrell says:

    Please when is the dateline to submit the application form? Can I submit the form while waiting for my results?

  7. Jenny says:

    Pls I wish to ask, I hav technical certificate in d Gce A levels n a science certificate in Gce O levels n would luv to go in 4 mining don’t know if it is possible

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