Government Technical Teacher Training College (GTTTC) Entrance Cameroon 2024-2025


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6 Responses

  • Comments6
  1. Seka Sandra says:

    Can i have past question on teachers training colledge concours please

  2. Efon clarinda says:

    Please the concours to enter at GTTC already closed .. please..or when is the date line ..can I register without concours

  3. Mukwelle julie says:

    Greetings, I am a cameroonian Please I will like to know if one can take courses in this school without writing the concours, I need the certificate for personal use

  4. Mozart says:

    Can i have the Arrete please?

  5. Bimlack Kenneth Bimlack says:

    Why are teachers from GTTTC NOT MATTICULATED with direct employment at end of their courses? Why will the government matriculate and offer direct recruitment to those of HTTTC and leaving the teachers and parents of GTTTC flummoxed? Is GTTTC a private schools in Cameroon,?

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