HTTTC – ENSET Bambili of the University of Bamenda
HTTTC – ENSET Bambili of the University of Bamenda
The Higher Technical Teacher Training College (HTTTC) of the University of Bamenda was created by Decree N° 2010/372 of 14 December 2010 to erect the former Ecole Normale Supérieure Annex of Bambili (ENSAB) into two separate schools of the University of Bamenda. HTTTC – ENSET Bambili of the University of Bamenda.
However, to prepare ground for transition, fields of studies in technical education were created, then opened earlier at ENSAB through Ministerial order N° 000009/MINESUP of 27 March 2009 appointing Heads Of Department in ENSAB, while it was still part of the University of Yaoundé 1.
Located in Bambili, HTTTC of Bamenda is a professional school, training teachers for secondary technical education and directly opening to them a way into the public service. HTTTC was created with the first (three-year-studies) and the second (two-year-studies) cycles.
HTTTC offer both application-oriented and teacher training study programmes for industrial and commercial disciplines. This combination of academic profiles opens up a wealth of educational paths to be shaped according to individual preferences and potential. The excellent learning environment can be traced back in part to its vision to meet the challenges of the job market. HTTTC graduates acquire top qualifications for demanding careers in industry and pedagogy. Our 23 degree programmes are highly regarded within Cameroon and worldwide. Excellence in instruction is demonstrated by distinguished mentoring and outstanding devotedness of teaching and non-teaching staff. HTTTC would be delighted to welcome you to HTTTC Bambili in the near future.
Mission Statement
ENSET Bambili has the following missions:
- The training of technical education teachers for secondary and high schools
- The promotion of pedagogic, scientific, technical and technological research
- The continuous professional development of teachers, pedagogic animators,
- The continuous professional development of pedagogic inspectors and pedagogic advisers from public and private schools.
Admission into ENSET Bambili
Admission is through a competitive entrance examination also known as concours.
Consult website:
Training Cycles and their End of Course Diploma
ENSET Bambili comprises two Cycles of training and a professional training program:
- The First cycle has a training duration of three years, leading to the award of a Diplôme de Professeur d’Enseignement. Technique de premier Grade (DIPET I), that is the Higher Technical Teacher Grade One Certificate.
- The Second cycle has a training duration of two years leading to the award of a Diplôme de Professeur d’Enseignement Technique de Deuxième Grade (DIPET II), that is the Higher Technical Teacher Grade Two Certificate.
Departments at ENSET Bambili University of Bamenda
- Department of Administrative Techniques:
- Information Management and Communication (IMC), first and second cycles;
- Accountancy (ACY), first and second cycles;
- Marketing (MKG), first and second cycles;
- Management (MGT), first and second cycles.
- Department of Civil Engineering and Forestry Techniques:
- Building and Public Works (BPW), first cycle;
- Topography (TOPO), first cycle;
- Woodwork (WW), first cycle;
- Public Works (PW), second cycle;
- Building Construction (BC), second cycle;
- Agronomy (AGRO), second cycle;
- Plumbing (PLB), second cycle.
- Department of Computer Sciences:
- Fundamental Computer Sciences (FCS), first and second cycles;
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT), second cycle.
- Department of Electrical and Power Engineering:
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (ACR), first and second cycles;
- Electronics (EN), first and second cycles;
- Electrotechnics (ET), first and second cycles.
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (ACR), first and second cycles;
- Department of LAW:
- Law, second cycle.
- Department of Mechanical Engineering:
- Automobile Mechanics (AM), first and second cycles;
- Mechanical Design (MD), first and second cycles;
- Mechanical Manufacturing (MM), first and second cycles;
- Automobile Body Work and Coating (ABC), first and second cycles;
- Welding and Metallic Construction (WMC), first and second cycles.
- Department of Sciences of Education:
- Guidance and Counseling, second cycle.
- Department of Social Economics and Family Management:
- Home Economics (HE), first and second cycles;
- Fashion Clothing and Textile (FCT), first and second cycles.
In addition, since the 2012/2013 academic year, HTTTC has also opened a Higher National Diploma (HND) Training Programme. In this special programme, GCE A/L and Baccalaureat students, after a study of file selection, are trained in two years in the various specialties attached:
- Executive Secretariat Studies;
- Accountancy;
- Banking and Finance;
- Management;
- Insurance;
- Building Sciences and Technology;
- Urban Planning and Surveying;
- Woodwork;
- Electrical and Power Systems;
- Didactics, Educational Planning and Curriculum Development;
- Bakery and Food Processing;
- Fashion Design, Clothing and Textile;
- Food Management and Catering;
- Nursing;
- Law.
Academic Activities
Academic activities are done through teaching,evaluation and internships. Teaching at ENSET Bambili is through Lectures, Tutorials, Seminars, Practicals and Internships. Students are evaluated through Continuous Assessment and end of semester examinations. Validations of all courses gives right to the award of end of end of course certificate. Compulsory Pedagogic and Industrial Internships are orgainsed for students of level 2, level 3, level 4 and level 5. Pedagogic internships are organized in Government Technical Colleges and Government Technical High Schools.Industrial internships are carried out in companies so that the intern should blend theory and practice.
- HTTTC Concours ENSET Buea Entrance Year 3 first Cycle
- ENSET HTTTC Bambili Concours Year one Second Cycle University of Bamenda HTTTC Entrance
- HTTTC ENSET Bambili Entrance Year One First Cycle University of Bamenda Concours
- HTTTC ENSET Bambili Entrance 3rd Year First Cycle University of Bamenda HTTTC Concours Cameroon.
- HTTTC Concours ENSET Kumba Entrance Year One 2nd Cycle University of Buea MINESUP Concours.
Greetings, please can I have past question for 3rd year of first cycle and first year of second cycle? Thank you
Very nice
Please I wish to enquire the program “Information Management and Communication” under the department of Administrative technique, what it’s all about.
Greetings I wish to inquire if enset bambili is lunch
Please can i have past questions for food technology for enset bambili second cycle
Hi sir.please with question papers of mechanical engineering
Greetings sir pls I wish to find out if ENSET second cycle has been launched
Please can I have enset past questions from 2010 till date of the information management and communication?
Gd morning sir, i wish to know when he result for Enset will be be out.
I wise to know the modalities to enter into enset bambili as in service. The requirements and the procedure . thanks
Good evening Sir. Please i wish to know the requirements for ENSET bambili concourse.
pls I.wish to know if ENSET has been lunched
Good morning sir.please I will like to have past questions in geography n history
Good morning sir, I wish to have past questions for economics and history for first cycle ENS.
Good morning please I need past questions and communicate for home economics (enset first cycle)
evening .please i need past questions of second cycle of electrical and power engeneering.i want to write concours
Fashion cloting and textile
please can i have past questions for Electrical and power Eengineering ??
please can i have past questions for the entrance exams into HTTTC Bambili and Kumba the Department of Mechanical Engineering???
please can i have past questions for the entrance exams into HTTC Bambili and Kumba the Department of Mechanical Engineering???