UN Volunteers Cameroon recruitment – UNHCR Shelter assistant


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29 Responses

  • Comments29
  1. Nfor Velma Mutap says:

    Greetings,UNV hiring Manager. My name is Nfor Velma Mutap. I am based in Yaounde, Cameroon. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and a Diploma in Executive Secretariat. I have two years experience as a secretary. I have the passion to serve with the UN. I am a registered member at UNV and UN inspira.I wish to serve as a UN Volunteer. I am available immediately and ready to work any in Cameroon and out since I have the ability to travel. No disability.My values of respect, integrity, diversity, loyalty and trust aligns with the UN core values and I am an ideal candidate to be recruited.
    I am available to be contacted at velmanfor3@gmail.com and +237672515069.

  2. Lucas Nfor Tatason says:

    I’m Lucas Nfor Tatason a graduate with a BSc Bachelor degree in Social Work with much experience working both national and internationaly.

    I write to inquire on how it takes to become a legally or officially recognised refregee at this point in time were some of us have lose our little jobs and house burnt causing us homeless and we love to apply for the UN opportunities in our nation.

    How can we go about it.

  3. Njea Leonie Elingo says:

    Sir/madam I am Njea Leonie Elingo a cameroonian by birth and by nationality. I have a higher national diploma in logistics and transport management from kelden bilingual higher institute of professional studies in Yaounde, it is affiliated to the university of Bamenda and also under the mentorship of the university of Ngoundere..Sir/madam I am equally taking up my bachelor’s degree in Logistics and transport management.
    Sir/madam if this wonderful opportunity is given to me, I will be a plus to the team to ensure care to the homeless and also bring smile to the faces of victims. I look forward in hearing from you.

  4. Akwa Queeniva Chi says:

    Am Akwa Queeniva Chi a holder of Higher national diplomat and Bachelor of science in banking and finance. I will be happy to work as a volunteer in UNV

  5. Ndeta Larissa says:

    Dear,sir or Madam it is with great pleasure that I write to you requesting to be a volunteer in the UNHCR shelther assistant.I am a holder of a bachelor degree in Anthropology which is a social sciences that studies human beings as a whole and their interactions.I like to serve humanity as a whole and especially the under previlege childern and the homeless especially during this present stituation happening in the north west and south west province.

  6. Roland Fru says:

    My name is Roland Fru, post graduate in banking and finance, ambitious, willing and capable to serve as a UN volunteer where necessary, hoping to hear a favourable response from the recruitment team

  7. Carine Lemnwie says:

    Dear sir/Madam,
    It is with great honor that I wirte to you to be a Un Volunteer in any of your departments.I am called Carine Lemnwie and am 27 years old. I have a Master’s degree in Forest Management from the University of Dschang and a Bachelor’s degree in Physical Geography from the University of Yaoundé I.
    I am a very dynamique person. I apply technical expertise though with caution and can handle people from different backgrounds while staying focus on the intended goal.I am also very flexible. Below are some my skills:
    Forest Management
    Management inventory
    Local Development
    Sir/Madam, working as A UN Volunteer is something I really look forward to.There would not have been any better place to gain more experience than the UN.
    While waiting for your favorable response, remain your faithful applicant.
    Carine Lemnwie

  8. Etchinyor Cecilia says:

    Good morning,graduated few months ago with a professional degree in business management, working in the UN volunteers will be a great experience to acquire from the program

  9. Kfusalu Mih victorine says:

    I am an agronomist and can do any type of job,gender base, It has always be my dream to work with women and girl child, thanks waiting for your reply,my number,+237680684888

  10. Wasi Hardison Anya says:

    I am Wasi Hardison Anya holder of the GCE ordinary level, driver by training and mechanic in Diesel and Petrol Engines, professional with over 10years experience hoping that you welcome me to serve with UNV drivers crew in Northwest and Southwest Region.

    Contact No;+237693086672

  11. Motale Nebota Mukete says:

    Dear sir, I am a Cameroonian from the Southwest Region of Cameroon from Ndian Division, so still available to serve as your volunteer here in Cameroon, my last application was was 17th May 2019 yet no response from your recruitment team.

  12. Mesode Elizabeth Ajebe says:

    I wish to work as a volunteer with the United Nations.
    I’m a graduate from the University of Buea with a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a minorin Library Science.
    I live in Buea.

  13. TakamTongue Elizabeth says:

    Hello Sir/Mme
    Am so passionate about the humanitarian services UNHCR and IOM is carrying in our country and will love to gain experience with working with them as a way helping the community. I would like to utilize my interests and skills by assisting as a volunteer with either of this Departments. I believe volunteering with the UN will makes a difference in all lives who participate. Because I like working with others and to gain more experince.



  15. Nembo Raphel Tebah says:

    My name is Nembo Raphel Tebah. Am a bacherlor degree holder in English Private Law and currently studying masters in business law in the university of Yaoundé ll Soa. From the South West Region of Cameroon. Am so interested and much willing to serve as a volunteer in your organisation. Will be so greatful if am called upon. Can get to me through 672530429/ 675832586.


    hi sir i am very much interested to work as a united nation volunteer in Cameroon i am willing to work under pressure and also to work in the crisis hit areas

  17. Ngum christable says:

    Dear sir, I still wish to apply for the volunteer program am so much interested in it so l don’t know if it is still possible.thanks

  18. Fuli Raymonda says:

    Hi I am Fuli Raymonda a holder of BBA degree in marketing. I am interested to be recruited as a worker in the UNHCR shelter assistant in Cameroon. I live in bamenda my contact 678658093

  19. Kuumoh hycenta says:

    I am kuumoh hycenta a holder of the higher national diploma in accountancy. I live in Yaoundé and will like to work as a volunteer with UNV. It has always been my dream to work with you.

  20. Mbiatem elizabeth says:

    IAM an idp living in yaounde.a holder in a bachelor degree in educational psychology and a professional training in humanitarian management.am happy to be a volunteer worker I like to serve humanity

  21. Bame Hope says:

    I’m Bame Hope and I live in Garoua.I have a great desire to work with UNV.

  22. Nembo Raphel Tebah says:

    My name is Nembo Raphel Tebah from the South West region a holder of a bachelor degree in law in the university of Bamenda and currently taking masters program in business law in the University of Younde ii, i must say am so interested to work with you. My contact 672530429/675832586. Thank you

  23. ESTEL AZAH CHI says:

    Want to work as a volunteers in Cameroon peace platform


    I am ANDAZIA JOSEPHINE MBECHO ,from the South West Region of Cameroon ready and really interested to serve as a UNV worker,I live in Buea,can read and write ,perfectly bilingual.
    My contact: 675787743
    E-mail adajosephine24@yahoo.com


    I am Motale Nebota Mukete
    , from the South West Region of Cameroon ready and realy interested to serve as UNV Worker,
    I am a holder of UNV account: Roster Number: 327596 , interested to start immediately.

    tel;237-650529704 or 693850703 , motale200@yahoo.com

  26. Nkopi Delphine says:

    Hi there
    I am an IDP from the south west region Cameroon
    I am interested to work as a volunteer
    I live in kumba can read and write
    My contact number is: 671588606

  27. Nkopi Delphine says:

    Hi there,

    I am an IDP from the south west region
    Interested to work as a volunteer
    I live in kumba. Cameroon
    Can read and write.

  28. Fon Mackbrown T. says:

    Hi. I am a driver from South West kumba.
    Live in Yaounde
    Interested to volunteer
    you can contact me on : +237672493300

  29. Enoh kingsley says:

    please i find it very difficult to sign in after filling in the form with the required information that is been asked of me because am really interested to be recruited as one of the UNHCR shelter assistant in Cameroon

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