Cameroon GCE results 2024 pdf A, O level & What to do after


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196 Responses

  • Comments196
  1. NDIFOR Majino says:

    Please I want the results of center number 11777 both those that passed and failed

  2. NDIFOR Majino says:

    I want to know the results both pass and fail for center number 11777 MCD

  3. chesi wanji says:

    Please sir I just wanted to verify the results of two subjects I rewrote during the 2013/2014 session of the gce i.e maths and physics thanks

  4. Fustel says:

    Please for the result of Benogo Vincent fustel

  5. Titah Albertine says:

    Please i need the result for center number 11014 ccas kumba

  6. Ndikum faithful ekai says:

    Hi please i need the result of center number 142025005

  7. Phil says:

    Please I need the results of center number 12406 candidate number 124067006

  8. Happy pezonho Russell says:

    I need the results of center 114065050

  9. Happy pezonho Russell says:

    I need the results of center 11406

  10. Ihimbru john mark says:

    Please for the results

  11. Ngongang ouakeu Pierrette serenela says:

    Plus i wish to know thé result of center number 110895004

  12. Kluvert says:

    We need to know our next move. So we need to know our position of what we wrote. We need our results

  13. Alexandra Mandjongui says:

    Please i need the results centre no 11505 candidats no 115055069 is lycée de logpom2

  14. alphonse says:

    Please when will the results be out??

  15. Ntafe ntoh says:

    Please am in need of the result center number 12019

  16. Kemboug says:

    Salutations a vous besoin des résultats du GCE de la region de l’ouest

  17. Ejah Heather says:

    Results for candidate nos 111507037

  18. Ejah Heather pikwa says:

    Candidate centre nos 11170, candidate nos 111507037

  19. Goris Barachel Nweibong says:

    Greetings sir/madam.
    Please I am in need of o level result center 11138

  20. Yee Thierry Yenika says:

    When is thé réduits out

  21. Tchakoua lauriane ngam says:

    I need gce result for centre number 22098

  22. Mowoh didier moli boseme says:

    Greetings to you sir/madam.
    Please am in need of the result center number 11291

  23. Hassana says:

    Please for advance level center number 11136

  24. Douanla flora says:

    Please for the GCE result of center 11467

  25. Sita Sitavo says:

    Pls I need my O level results on centre number 11289 and my candidate number is 5086

  26. Sita Sitavo says:

    Pls I need my O level results on centre number 11098 and my candidate number is 5397

  27. Ngah Louis says:

    I need G C E results, 2020/2021
    Center number 11075

  28. Mme Mah says:

    Pls i need results of centre 12115

  29. tchuidjang lodjio borel says:

    pls i need o level results center number 11385 candidate number 11385004

  30. Bryan Jones says:

    Candidate number 5063 and center number 12452

  31. Bryan Jones says:

    Please for the results of center number 12452

  32. Mbalien Marcel fonso says:

    please for GCE result 2020candidate no:117487075

  33. Bisi Gwendolyne Neba says:

    Please I wish to know my results centre number 110755024

  34. Neba Quinta nchang says:

    Please I wish to know the results of centre number 110755024

  35. Gaston Fru chi says:

    Results for 11807081

  36. Haretta says:

    I need GCE o level center number 11613

  37. Fongang Alain anouma says:

    Please with my result center number 22090 and candidate number 220907022

  38. Brandon bride says:

    Pls I need o level results June 2020 center number 12209

  39. Ashu Christian says:

    Pls, I need GCE 2020 results of A level center no 11358 for Asambi Helvin Mbandi Jnr.


    I wish to have the results of gce 2020 center number 11996

  41. Zemeh Esther ngwing amenjo says:

    Result for 221347030 a level technical

  42. Menkeh saviour says:

    Pls for mine centre number12350

  43. Casy says:

    Results for 114497080

  44. Kim says:

    I wish to have my result. Is the gce really out

  45. Tangu says:

    Please my centre number 11691 and candidate number

  46. Mih meekness says:

    Please for my results center number 11420 candidate number 114205192

  47. Ndikeh Huzariatou Yata says:

    Please for GCE results O/L 2020/2021 centre number 11126

  48. ENU ROSINE says:

    Please need results of 2020

  49. Saanui Barbara says:

    Please for results of this year center number 11231

  50. Enyong Edelqueen Aken says:

    Please I need the complete ordinary Level result of 2006

  51. Enow mbi eyong bakor says:

    Pls I need GCE result for 2014 results center number 11048

  52. christian domche says:

    please i wish the result of center number 11439

  53. Ngwenyi sonita fru says:

    Please for the results of center number 22090

  54. Belaial Johnson says:

    pls am interested in getting the conplete result for 2019

  55. Lyonga simon says:

    Please for the results including those who failed

  56. javlon says:

    please can I have the full list of those that failed the GCE 2019??

  57. Noris says:

    Please kindly forward the results to my mail. Thanks in advance.

  58. Tumenta denison kohnyui says:

    Can I have the result for GCE 2019 commercial

  59. Cuteboi says:

    Can I have as soon as possible a certain date for the release of results?

  60. Monono favour nalowa says:

    Pls I need my result centre number 110105554

  61. tikeu fotso says:

    please we re still waiting for the result be fast

  62. Besong agbor john says:

    Please i wish the result of center number:22090

  63. Kwati Eric says:

    Please can I get the PDF file for GCE 2019

  64. Nde Christopher Awah says:

    please for my results center number 112115027 candidate number 112115027

  65. Enstine says:

    Pleas for June 2019 on economic,geography,history, commerce, citizenship, computer

  66. charles says:

    pls from 2003 to2017 GCEpast questions papers history,biology,economics,french,physics,maths,chemistry,human biology,commerce,civics,food and nutrition,geography,literature in english pls only O/Lpaper2. thanks

  67. charles says:

    pls it’s O/L paper2 biology,physics,chemistry,human biology,economics,french,geography,commerce,history,literature in english,civics

  68. charles says:

    please for the past GCE questions papers of history,chemistry,biology,human biology,economics,commerce,french,physics,civics,food and nutrition,geography,literature in english.Thanks

  69. de prophet says:

    pls for the pdf file of all the result

  70. Mike says:

    I have 2018 results for all grammar students
    Contact me on 671995806

  71. Diplo says:

    Please help me with my GCE result name:kumpet
    Divine tafili center number 115085328

  72. Matse armelle says:

    I need the o level results of center number 11089 5143

  73. Princess says:

    I need my results candidate no 22098

  74. marcel says:

    please i need this result centerN 11055 and cann 5060,5059, and center number 22084 with CDN7015 .CN 5178 cdn 12073

  75. Meline says:

    Please I need o level results for center number 11104 GBHS ndop?

  76. Meline says:

    Please I need o level results for center number 11104 GBHS ndop

  77. Nestor keme binyui. says:

    please i need the result of this center number (11023)N.C.H.S limbe

  78. Nancy says:

    Why is it difficult to open page 10 pls send me the procédure on how to go on and check it on SMS

  79. bezeng noel says:

    please for GCE ordinary level results 119955035

  80. Motasay Enoko Joseph says:

    Plss for my result ooh O level center number;120835009.

  81. cyrille says:

    resulta des examen

  82. Tabu Claudine says:

    Please send me A levels 2018 result for centre no 11370

  83. Ebune Joseph says:

    Please the result is incomplete. Where can i get the complete list of 2018 Ordinary levels results

  84. Onga Ekanya says:

    what is happening with other centres like molyko external (11115),we can’t see the results?

  85. Ashley col says:

    Hw do I get d results of d gce 2018 general

  86. Mapalah Zita says:

    Please can I get GCE A’level commercial results for centre number 22090 Yaounde external?

  87. Adonai ngwa says:

    Greetings .I wish to get gce results

  88. mbeng eph says:

    pls I need the results for center number 118935015

  89. Dubueh pride Nyihbih says:

    center number 11013 candidate number 5001 email gce 2018

  90. Jim says:

    Why is it impossible to download the results pdf

  91. Yvan says:

    May the lord grant me success this year with all my classmates of hcic

  92. Rishkish yagi says:

    Pls I need my gce o level result
    Center number. 11521

  93. eboudan ekouda steve kevin says:

    God help me

  94. eboudan ekouda steve kevin says:

    pray to pass God help me

  95. chetima Adama says:

    My results 115955045

  96. akwoh ashu kennedy epey says:

    pls i need my result center number 11973

  97. Nack Samuel says:

    i need 2017cgce results center number 11992

  98. Nicolas NDJEL says:

    please can i get GCE ordinary level result for center number 11112 5089

  99. NDJEL says:

    please can i get GCE ordinary level result for center number 11112 5089

  100. NDJEL Nicolas says:

    please can i get GCE ordinary level result for center number 11112

  101. NDJEL ESSAH Helene Salomé says:

    please can i get GCE ordinary level result for center number 11112

  102. fotso says:

    please i need the 2017 o level result

  103. Nguh Fritz says:

    thé governmnt, please is pour gce a Lebel valide ? becauqe i dont even understand m’y results

  104. yonkam yonkam says:

    My o level résultats center number 11291

  105. langah Rophina mokom says:

    please i need myresults withcenter number 112915453

  106. langah Rophina mokom says:

    please i need my results with center number 11291 5453 Etou ebe External o/level

  107. Ngoyop Glory Fanwi says:


  108. krasich says:

    Results fit centre number 11410

  109. krasich says:

    Results fit centre nimber 11410

  110. Mbegham Guilaine Irma Ndouangho says:

    Please I Need 2017 O/level Result Center Number 11446

  111. Ngoyop Glory Fanwi says:

    Requesting for the 2017 GCE Ordinary Level Résults on the centre code 11462 candidate 5011

  112. Ngoyop Glory Fanwi says:

    requesting the 2017 GCE Results O

  113. Moustafa DJIKA says:

    GOOD morning my result ordinary level 2017 central number 11109 candidats number 5034

  114. Kana dongmo ange belva says:

    My name is Kana dongmo ange belva,please i need the gce o level result .identification number 114335136

  115. Ako rejoice agbor says:

    Please help me with my results A/Level 2017 centre number 22045 bless you

  116. Ako rejoice agbor says:

    Please I npleed my results a/level . centre number 22045

  117. Ndjocky Massanick Ruth Pauline says:

    Résultats du gce ordinary level

  118. Molar emmanuel ngi says:

    please I need the 2017 o/ level result center number 11454

  119. mbaya says:

    please i need A/L result 2017 centre number 11019

  120. Leon says:

    I need the GCE A Levels results

  121. ewang blaise says:

    please i need the cord

  122. Tata Emmanuel says:

    please can i get GCE ordinary level result for center number 11044

  123. Ekodo says:

    Good morning please this number 12070750 lycée de mimboman extenal

  124. Foyet melajie steve says:

    I need GCE A level 2017

  125. Foyet melajie steve says:

    I need the GCE 2017 A level results

  126. Nelson says:

    please i need thé 2017 A/l results
    centre Number 11389.

  127. MEHDIH says:

    please I need the GCE results 2017

  128. *Ndonwi sandra ngum says:

    please show me my results

  129. ntui kluvert tabot says:

    please I which to know the GCE results for 2017

  130. celine says:

    Pls can i get the GCE O level results for center number 11840 G B H S muanbong external

  131. celine says:

    Pls can i get the gce o level results for center number 11840

  132. celine says:

    Pls i wish to know the gce o level results for center number 11840 muabong external

  133. isidore says:

    please i need the 2017 GCE results

  134. diane says:

    please o level gce result

  135. Jinka Godlove Benteh says:

    Please I need GCE advance level technical 2017

  136. Njifack beniclaire says:

    Please i wish to see the list of the successful candidates fr dis center number 7010

  137. Nereus says:

    please i really need the GCE results 2017

  138. Vick says:

    What is wrong that we can’t see the gce results online

  139. Emmanuel says:

    Pls I wish to see the GCE results PDF format for 2017 to check my own results

  140. Gerald says:

    Please I need GCE A-level result

  141. ghost says:

    you publish fake results, i will hack you

  142. Fotie says:

    Please I need the PDF file.
    Results for 2017 A/l.. I’m unable to download it above. Please something should be done about this issue.

  143. Kube hardison says:

    Pls I need gce 2017 result

  144. Mezatio falone says:

    Plsss I need the GCE result 2017

  145. Gabriel says:

    Please why are the results making so long to be release

  146. werengie carlson says:

    when are the results caming out

  147. Robert says:

    Please GCE 2017 results

  148. GILDAS says:

    please i need to know why the results are taking so long.

  149. Nanda says:

    GCE results A/L 2016

  150. FRANCK says:

    please i need the 2017 GCE



  152. La Rosa says:

    Pls can i know the results day for GCE 2017. i have been waiting for a while now

  153. Ekeme Ernest Esapa says:

    please I wish to download the results but I’m unable

  154. St Jules Peter's College Buea says:

    Pls can I have G. C. E results for O/L Centre no. 111535 .

  155. teneck maurice tebeck says:

    I wish to know my advance level result my center number is 1207 ayunga external



  158. KUNGHA NJI NELSON says:


  159. Ndzigamsi Alihu says:

    I wish to see the list of those who pass
    central number 11291

  160. epie enowbi giresse says:

    ordinary level

  161. TABA WALTER AKON says:


  162. njinkeng nkafu says:

    I wish to know my A/ Level result. NKAFU Donaldson. center number 11090 and candidate number 7003

  163. BIN RODRIGUE says:

    What is always the problem downloading result from the gce

  164. i wieh to se the list of those who past
    the O and A LEVEL for this center number 11433

  165. akombo says:

    please i wish to know my advance level result

    center number 11295
    candidate name : AKOMBO MAMBO SOLANGE
    Candidate number : 112957411

  166. TAGNE KUATE paul arnol says:


  167. TAGNZ KUATE paul arnol says:

    G C E o L v

  168. mallam says:

    are you in need OF urgent cash within 30minutes? have you been struggling to get a child but to no avail, do you need exam spells as well as many other spells, do you need love charms then you are reading the right mail all you have to do is send an email to and tell him exactly what you want and he will do it for you free within 30minutes

  169. Caro you are very correct

  170. NGUETEU KENFACK says:


  171. The GCE results Of this year wrere the best and pray God that those who have not succeeded should put more effort and next year by God's grace they will succeed with good grade; glory be to God. Amen

  172. When will your institution leave in the present. Be updated in modern technelogy. your institution should be a pace setter. Don't keep students and parents in suspence. We are expecting everything online and on time, even the GCE results.

  173. Please what do I do inorder to have my results. O levels

  174. Please what do I do inorder to have my results. O levels

  175. where can we find the GCE result if you say it is out

  176. is it true that the GCE results for 2016 are released

  177. bonsoir j aimerai connaitre les resultats de mes enfants je fais s il vous plait

  178. Desta says:

    I hate the Cameroon system . All of you are thieves. You sell the gce to an inefficient company like mtn and the rest for them to make money. Instead of helping those on the street who can sell and feed their families. Sahhh what a corrupt system

  179. FORKU PANAYOTIS says:

    My Interest Is That Of The General Public And Not For My Personal Benefit.
    Is There No Means Through Which The Results Can Be Release Without Actually Handing Over To A Network Provider (MTN)?
    Isn’t It Possible To Hand The Results To All The Network Providers In Cameroon Or Atleast Two?
    You Know As Much As I Do That When There Is Competition The Consumers Benefit.

  180. Tadjudje Todie Franklin says:

    pls send me the results of ordinary level

  181. lamanje tchouwouat youchahou says:

    I wish to have my results candidate id number :112887066 candidate number7066 center number :11288

  182. Fombuwing Lifita Mbapeh says:

    GCE results of Cameroon 2016

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