IMIP of Maroua Entrance 2024-2025 Concours: first year in Bachelors and Masters University of Maroua
IMIP of Maroua Entrance 2024-2025 Concours:
IMIP of Maroua Entrance 2024-2025 Concours: first year in Bachelors and Masters
Decision N°. 2100216 /MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 03 June 2023.
To launch the competitive entrance examination into the 1st year of the training for Bachelors in Engineering degree in three (03) years and the 1st year of the training for Masters in Engineering degree in five (05) years of the Institute of Mines and Petroleum Industries (IMIP) of the University of Maroua for the 2024-2025 academic year. IMIP of Maroua Entrance Concours: Download Application Form concours FMIP 1ere Annee 2024 IT & IC ; Download Application Form concours FMIP 2024 IT & IC ; Download Application Form Concours FMIP 3rd Year.
of the Constitution.
of law N°005 of 16 April 2001 on the orientation of Higher Education.
of decree N°2011/408 of 09 December 2011 to organize the Government.
of decree N°2012/433 of 01 October 2012 to organize the Ministry of Higher Education.
of decree N°93/027 of 19 January 1993 to lay down the general provisions governing Universities.
modified and completed by decree N°2005/342 of 10 September 2005 .
of decree N°2008/280 of 09 August 2008 to create the University of Maroua.
of decree N°2008/281 of 09 August 2008 on the administrative and academic organization of the University of Maroua.
of decree N°2008/458 of 29 December 2008 to appoint the Rector of the University of Maroua.
of decree N°2012/333 of 29 June 2012 to appoint a Vice-Chancellor and Rectors of some State Universities.
of decree N°2013/0891/PM of 12 March 2013 to appoint officials in the Ministry of Higher Education.
of decree N°2013/333 of 13 September 2013 to create Faculties, Schools and Institutes within the University of Maroua;IMIP of Maroua Entrance 2021-2022 Concours:
of decree N°2014/544 of 16 December 2014 to appoint officiais in State Universities.
of order N°15/0045/MINESUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC/SE of 03 February 2024 to organize the calendar of competitive entrance examinations into Faculties, Schools and Institutes of Cameroon State Universities for 2024-2025 academic year.
On the proposal of the Rector of the University of Maroua.
Article 1:
A competitive written examination for admission into the 1st year of the training for Bachelors in Engineering degree in three (03) years and into the 1st year of the training for Masters in Engineering degree in five (05) years at the Faculty of Mines and Petroleum Industries (FMIP) of the University of Maroua is launched, for the 2024-2025 academic year, in the following series:
a) 1st year of the training for Bachelors in Engineering degree in three (03) years

Imip of maroua Cameroon – Fmip de kaele

IMIP Maroua – Fmip de kaele
b) 1st year of the training for Masters in Engineering degree in five (05) years

imip de kaele
Article 2 :
(1) The competitive entrance examination is organized in a single session for Cameroonians of both sexes and who are holders of the following certificates: the GCE Advanced Level in at least two (2) subjects including the main subject (major) required for the series solicited, and the GCE Ordinary Level obtained in one session with at least four (4) subjects including the main subject (major) required for the series solicited ; the Baccalauréat Certificate required for each series solicited; «Religious Knowledge» shall not be taken into consideration.
(2) The table below indicates the type of Baccalauréat and the main subject which the candidate must have passed at the GCE ‘A’ Level to be able to sit in for the examination. IMIP of Maroua Entrance 2023-2024 Concours:

imip de kaele
Article 3: (1) Candidates fulfilling the same academic conditions may exceptionally apply for admission as private students following a study of their files and based on the number of places available. Such candidates shall be liable to contribute to the cost of their training by paying tuition which amount shall be established by a special text.
Article 4 :
- Foreign candidates from the CEMAC Zone who qualify to be treated as nationals and who also have similar academic qualifications as nationals can be admitted through the study of their documents depending on the number of places available.
- Foreign candidates who are not from the CEMAC Zone shall follow the same condition as stipulated in article 3.
Article 5 :
- Candidates concerned with articles 2 and 4 .1. must not be more than 30 years old as from 1st January 2024.
- Candidates concerned with articles 3 and 4. 2. must not be more than 40 years old as from 1st January 2024.
Article 6: Candidates’ files shall comprise the following documents:
- an application form to sit for the examination, obtained from either the Institute of Mines and Petroleum Industries (IMIP), the examination centres or the regional delegations for Secondary Education. It can be also downloaded From the following MINESUP Internet website: or
- a certified photocopy of birth certificate, dated not more than three (03) months ago.
- results transcripts of the GCE/OL or the Probatoire and the GCE/AL or the Baccalauréat signed or certified by the competent authorities.
- a certified photocopy of the GCE/Al or the Baccalauréat, or an equivalent diplorna/certificate recognized by the Minister of Higher Education, dated not more than three (03) months ago, or a Success Testimonial signed or certified by the competent authorities. Only candidates sitting for the 2015 GCE/Al or the Baccalauréat shall be authorized to write the examination awaiting the required diplomas/certificates ; however, where the case arises, their final admission shall be possible only on the presentation of proof of having obtained the required diploma/certificate within the date limits specified by the competent authority.
- a medical certificate issued by a medical doctor working with the Public Administration, testifying that the candidate is physically and medically apt to pursue higher education studies.
- a certificate of non-conviction (bulletin n°3) dated not more than three (03) months ago.
- a receipt showing payment of the sum of twenty thousand francs (20 000) CFAF as examination fees, issued by the Bank-SCB Cameroon, Bank code: 10002, Cashier Code: 00033, Bank Account N° 90000258006, CLE RIB 58. No other mode of payment shall be accepted.
- a large envelop bearing postal stamps respecting current rates and carrying the exact address of the candidate.
- four (04) passport size (4×4) photographs.
Article 7:
Candidates who are holders of foreign diplomas/certificates have to present the decision of equivalence issued by the Minister of Higher Education. IMIP of Maroua Entrance Concours:
Article 8 :
Complete files shall be deposited either at the regional delegations for Secondary Education or at the Institute of Mines and Petroleum Industries (Admissions Service) latest Tuesday 07 September 2023.
Article 9: The examination papers will comprise the following:
a) three written papers which will account for 70% of the overall assessment.
b) a mark for school attendance which will account for 30% of the overall assessment .
Article 10: The written examination session shall be conducted on Saturday 11th September 2023 in the following centres: Bambili, Buea, Douala, Dschang, Kaele, Maroua, Ngaoundere and Yaounde 1.
Article 11 : (1) The written paper shall be partitioned as follows :

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(2) The examination programmes are those of the GCE/AL or the Baccalauréat required for the series solicited.
(3) Each examination paper written has a mark range from zero (00) to twenty (20) and will be allocated the coefficients indicated above.
Article 12: The mark for school attendance shall be allocated based on the following criteria:
- the candidate’s age; IMIP of Maroua Entrance Concours:
- the number of years spent in secondary education.
- marks obtained at the GCE/OL or the Probatoire and the GCE/AL or the Baccalauréat.
Article 13:
- At the end of the written examination and after recording the mark for school attendance, the jury shall establish, according ta series and in order of merit, the tentative list of candidates for admission.
- The candidate’s admission cannot be carried forward from one academic year to another.
- The final results will be published by the Minister of Higher Education.
Article 14: The composition of the jury cited in article 11 above shall be established in a special text by the Minister of Higher Education.
Article 15: The examination fees mentioned in article 6 above are non-refundable.
Article 16 : The Rector of the University of Maroua, the Director for University Accreditations and Quality and the Director of the Institute of Mines and Petroleum Industries of the University of Maroua are, each in his sphère, charged with the implementation of this order which shall be recorded and published in English and in French wherever need arises.
- Concours IMIP of Maroua: FMIP 3rd year Masters in Engineering degree
- Calendar for entrance examination Cameroon institutions of State Universities
I wish to know whether BSc degree holder must start back from the first year for the master programs.
please I wish so much to study the msc program in Petroleum Engineering. I’m in Bamenda and have severe difficulties to acquire assistance in compiling my documents. I have been to the Falculty of science in Bambili and also to the ministry of higher education but non seem to be inform of the entrance information of the 2017/2018 session. I will b very please if u would get back to me before the closing date of application. thanks in advance.
I wish to enquire for the possibility of my son enrolling into your university in faculty of engineering within the 2016/2017 academic year. He wants to study Electrical Engineering.
good afternoon. please I just wish to inquire the requirements to register Into the faculty of economic sciences for a bachelor’s degree program.
Please are the results of the 2016/2017 session out? if yes, how can i get them.
please can i have the requirements for the mastre programme
what are the formalities for the master programm
Results of IMIP Maroua University of Maroua Institute of Mines and Petroleum Industries Entrance
when are the results of IMIP gonna be out???
pls around wat period will de results for 2015 session be out
please I wish to ask it’s possible for me to have past questions?
just want to know if compilation for IMIP. is going on
Completed files should be deposited either at the regional delegations for Secondary Education or at the Institute of Mines and Petroleum Industries (Admissions Service) latest Friday 21st August