Tagged: University of Bamenda

University of Bamenda

The University of Bamenda

University of Bamenda is located in Bamenda, North West Region, Cameroon. The University of Bamenda was created by Decree no 2010/371 of the 14th December 2010. The last of the eight state Universities in Cameroon as primary concern, to achieve the goals attributed to all the state Universities. kamerpower.com

The University of Bamenda (UBa) is a distinctive anglo-saxon university with future international reputation for higher standards of achievements and innovations in all areas of professionalism, arts, sciences and technology.

Undergraduate Admission Programmes 

Students without Ordinary Level Mathematics can still apply for admission in the various undergraduate programs available online. They will be admitted in case they meet up with their choice program’s requirement but will be required to take a remedial Mathematics course.

As a graduate or postgraduate student in UBa, you will study in modern surroundings that boast exceptionally well-equipped studios, workshops and facilities.

General University Admission Requirements

  • GCE O/L in at least four (4) subjects or its Equivalence.
  • GCE A/L in at least two (2) subjects obtained in one sitting or Baccalaureate or its Equivalence.

NB: Candidates without a pass in English Language at “Ordinary Level” and “Probatoire” are allowed to apply and take an English Language Proficiency Test organized by The University of Bamenda.

University of Bamenda (UBa) - Universite de Bamenda Cameroun

Applying for Admission into The University of Bamenda

To apply for admission into The University of Bamenda, please follow the instructions below. If you have already created your account (that is Step 1), You should move directly to the next step (Log into your account).

  1. CREATE ACCOUNT: The first step to Successfully applying for admission is to create an admission account for the current academic year.
  2. LOG INTO ACCOUNT: After successfully creating your account, Log Into the account using your username and password.
  3. FILL FORM: After acquiring the admission form online, Fill the form and submit within the admission timeline.

What is the difference between General Admission and Entrance Examination?

General Admission is for programs which require just a submission of documents to get in to them while Entrance Exam is for programs which requires a pass in a written competitive exam.

How to register as a new student: University of Bamenda (UBa)

Access the UBa website and click on the admission menu or directly access the UBaStudent Online Portal and click on the Not a Student? Click to Apply for Admission link. Please follow the next steps for successful admission and University of Bamenda online registration by Faculties.

Can one apply for admission using a single username twice for two different degree levels?

No, you can’t, nevertheless you may apply for admission into two different degree levels by creating two different accounts with two different usernames.

News About The University of Bamenda